HSE Library e-resources
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To access the new electronic resources in the subscription remotely, please re-install Proxy Library HSE extension!
See this guide for details regarding remote access on various devices
Top 20 journals by Journal Citation Reports WoS in six leading subjects
HSE Library is particularly focused on electronic acquisitions. We have subscribed and purchased access to a variety of online resources. While using Electronic Library Resources (ELR) you should follow specified Procedures. ERL database includes:
- International Periodical Databases
Our University library offers a subscription service to foreign e-journals, a service not offered elsewhere in Russia. We are subscribed electronically to more than 18000 full-text periodicals and serial publications. At the HSE, you have access to the following periodical databases:
A digital library of publications in economics, business, sociology, political science, statistics, mathematics, health, physics, philosophy, antiquities studies, linguistics, literature, and others. Journals are available from the first published issues up to 2012-2014.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
More than 2000 journals from Elsevier in all subject areas, including economics, business, social sciences, psychology, mathematics, computer science, engineering, physics, chemistry, biology etc. The scope varies; issues dating from 2000 to the present are available in most cases; deep archives dating back to 1994 or first issues are also available for many publications.
NB! Currently, we have access to the archive issues only, dating 2005 and earlier.
Annual Reviews publishes 40 review series, considered among the most authoritative and quoted in their respective fields. Their titles begin with Annual Review of .... Those of particular relevance to the HSE include the Annual Review of Sociology, the Annual Review of Political Science, the Annual Review of Psychology, the Annual Review of Anthropology, and, published since 2009, the Annual Review of Economics, the Annual Review of Financial Economics, and the Annual Review of Resource Economics.
NB! Currently, articles published in 2022 and 2024 are unavailable in select journals.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) — is the biggest science and information platform in China. Academic Reference database contains resources mainly in English. The resources include journals, books, annual reports and dictionaries. In total, they sum up to 2.5 million documents, either produced in China in English or translated from Chinese, both in parallel text form or separate.
To search available documents, choose AVAILABILITY: Full text filter from the menu on the left.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
A comprehensive list of all available sources
Journals in Chinese are available on CNKI platform (China National Knowledge Infrastructure). In total, there are approximately 8500 publications dating from 1994 to present day.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
new!«Mainichi Shimbun» (毎日新聞) is presumed to be the oldest Japanese daily newspaper. Our subscription provides full access to the newest issues as well as the scanned historical ones dating back to 1872. The resource is made available through ‘one concurrent user’ model. If you get the message that the resource is being used right now, please try again later.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
AEA Journals of the American Economic Association; the best known among them are the American Economic Review, the Journal of Economic Literature, and the Journal of Economic Perspectives. This is the only database where current issues of AEA journals are available without embargo.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Subscription journal and book databases has been closed by EBSCO on March 31, 2024.
Features more than 16,000 publications on economics, business, management, sociology, political science, IT, linguistics, physics, chemistry and more, including journals, business analytics, market and company reports and other types of documents. EBSCO platform provides access to Business Source Ultimate, Academic Search Ultimate, EconLit, SocIndex with FullText, Political Science Complete, MLA International Bibliography, Medline Complete and other databases. Some publications displayed contain every issue up to the very first one, some has a delay from 6 months to one year.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
More than 120 current and dozens of archival (discontinued) journals from Emerald (formerly MCB University Press). Emerald is considered a market leader in professional business and management journals, such as the well-known European Journal of Marketing and The Total Quality Management Magazine. Most journals are available from the first issue to the most recent issue, without embargo.
NB! Currently, the publisher has restricted access to the newest issues. We still have access to the archive issues from the very first to the 1990s ones depending on a particular publication and to the issues published between 2007 and 2022.
NB! A new section with more than 250 cases - Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies. The case studies focus on decision-making and business development practices in emerging markets. All cases are peer-reviewed and edited.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
The Library of the one of the most authorized non-profit organizations working in the field of new technologies, — Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). More than 200 journals, over 1500 conference proceedings, more than 3400 technology standards. Documents themes: computer technology, telecommunications, electronics, electrical engineering, etc. The archive is up to 1988 (for a range of publications — deeper).
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Full texts of more than 1500 journals from Wiley, in virtually all disciplines, including economics and business, computer science, mathematics, psychology, sociology, humanities, law, and others. Publications include the Econometrica, Strategic Management Journal, the Kyklos, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Economic Geography, Sociologia Ruralis, Human Resource Management, Information Systems Journal, Mind & Language. Publications are available from 1997 to the present. Access to deep archives back to the first issue of each journal is now available for publications in sociology and education.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Journals from Taylor & Francis, including Routledge. A total of more than 1300 publications in economics, business, social sciences, education, mathematics, law, psychology, etc. Examples include: Regional Studies, Economy and Society, the International Journal of Human Resource Management, and the Journal of Mathematical Sociology. All journals are available in full text, no embargo. Coverage from the 1990s to the present, varies from publication to publication.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
NB! Currently, we have access only to the archives of journal issues published in 1996 and earlier.
More than 500 journals from SAGE in the social sciences, the humanities, engineering and health, including sociology, psychology, economics, management, education, and materials science. Journals include: the Sociology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Organization Studies, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of Conflict Resolution, Politics & Society, and others. Journals are available in full text, without embargo, with a complete archive.
Additionally, there are almost 30 journals of The Royal Society of Medicine now available on SAGE platform, and also a reference work Handbook of Practice Management.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
More than 1200 journals from Springer. Subjects include mathematics, physics, engineering, medicine, and others. Also available more than 200 publications in economics, sociology, and law, including the well-known Economic Theory, Public Choice, Theory and Society, and the Journal of Business Ethics. Coverage from the first issue to the present.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Offers over 200 journals from Oxford University Press on each and every discipline (about 100 items on social and human science). Publications date back to the very first issue up to year 2021.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Contains about 450 journals from Cambridge University Press in a full range of subjects (approx. 2500 publications in the social sciences and humanities). Publications date back to the very first issue up to year 2021.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Ongoing access to the whole University of Chicago Press Journals platform featuring the most renowned publications on social sciences and humanities. Ten journals are ranked top 10 impact factor journals in their subject categories. This platform exclusively features the newest issues of American Journal of Sociology, Journal of Political Economy, Current Anthropology, Philosophy of Science, Journal of Labor Economics and others. The earliest issues are also available.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
INFORMS journals by Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences featuring publications on marketing, management and operational research. They include Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (M&SOM), Management Science, Operations Research, Information Systems Research and more. In total, 16 journals with archives until the year 1998 are now available along with the INFORMS TutORials in Operations Research book series.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
An online archive of electronic journals from DigiZeitschriften with more than 170 leading German periodicals, in particular in the social sciences, the humanities, and mathematics. Journals in economics, history, sociology, law, art history, and other fields are available. All publications are included from the very first issue, but there is a substantial embargo on the most recent issues (usually 2 to 5 years).
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
NB! Currently, we have access only to the open access editions, the rest of the resourse is unavailable.
American Chemical Society offers nineteen journals and one reference guide. Get access to «Journal of the American Chemical Society», «Chemical Reviews», «Journal of Organic Chemistry», «Nano Letters», «Macromolecules», «Biochemistry» and many other journals. Issues dating from 1996 to the present are available. Also a guide to academic writing «The ACS Style Guide: Effective Communication of Scientific Information» is available..
Seventeen journals from the American Institute of Physics (AIP), one of the World's leading publishers in the physical sciences. Available publications include Applied Physics Letters, the Journal of Applied Physics, the Journal of Mathematical Physics, and others. Journals are available with full archives up to the present.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Six top journals of The American Mathematical Society: Journal of the American Mathematical Society, Bulletin of the AMS, Mathematics of Computation, Transactions of the AMS, Proceedings of the AMS, Memoirs of the AMS. The newest issues and complete archives are available.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Thirteen journals of the American Physical Community, including best known "Physical Review" and "Physical Review Letters". Journals are available with full archives up to the present.
NB! Starting January 1, 2025, the access to the resource is paused, only the open access articles are available. Currently, RCSI is negotiating the prolongation of the national subscription to APS for 2025.
More than 140 journals published by Institute of Physics (IOP) including Reports on Progress in Physics, Nanotechnology, Journal of Physics A-G and others are available.
NB! Currently, most of the issues available are from 2020–2021 and 2016–2017 respectively, with the addition of archive issues from 2011 and earlier.
A multidisciplinary publisher adds great value to our resources in Physics, Mathematics and Technical Science. 120 titles are accessible including Fractals, International Journal of Modern Physics (series A–E), Modern Physics Letters (series A–B), Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences and others. The newest issues and in most of the times full archives of the titles are available.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Nature Publishing Group (NPG) publishes the journal Nature, perhaps the most renowned interdisciplinary scientific journal with one of the highest impact factors. Available issues from 1869 up to now and access to 100 other journals of this Publishing Group.
Online access, including external (password-protected) access to «Nature»
Online access: an alphabetical list of publications
A leading multidisciplinary scientific journal. The world-famous popular science publication from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) provides reviews of the latest developments in the natural and applied sciences, news, and commentary.
Coverage from the first issue to the present.Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Books and journals published by SAE (originally Society of Automotive Engineers) on aircraft and motor vehicle industry, energy and fuel sources, commercial cargo operations, etc. In total, 16 journals (featuring newest issues and complete archives) and more than 350 books (published in 1990 – 2022) are available. Please note that not every book is available.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
More than 140 full-text journals on the whole range of disciplines, particularly medicine, pharmacology, chemistry, life sciences, materials sciences, computer sciences and network engineering. The very first (2000s-2010s) and very last issues are available.
You can find open access journals Bentham Open on the separate platform.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
We have access to engineering sciences collection Begell Engineering Research Collection including journals, books, conference papers, databases and catalogues. In total, there are more than 50 sources on bioengineering, biomedical engineering, thermodynamics, heating engineering, materials science, and allied subjects.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Contains more than 25 Journals, approximately 700 collected papers and several books by Optica publishing group (formerly known as The Optical Society, OSA). This is the biggest collection of publications on optics, photonics and related subjects. The base includes the newest issues and complete archives dating back to the very first journal issue published in 1917 (Journal of the Optical Society of America).
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Cochrane Library is a collection of sources on medicine and healthcare. Its core is the systematic review database, statistical meta-analysis and protocols (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews). Each review concerns the concrete medical question by gathering and processing the whole array of published research studies. Moreover, the clinical trials database (Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) and answers based on Cochrane review findings (Cochrane Clinical Answers) are available.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Zentralblatt MATH (zbMATH) is the world’s most comprehensive and longest-running abstracting and reviewing service in pure and applied mathematics. It is edited by the European Mathematical Society (EMS), the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and FIZ Karlsruhe.
The zbMATH database contains about 3,8 million bibliographic entries with reviews or abstracts currently drawn from about 3,000 journals and book series, and 180,000 books.
No full-text items here; once you find what you need, you can search other HSE subscription resources for the full text.
The coverage spans the period from the mid-19th century to the present.Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
One of the most authoritative databases of abstracts of mathematics publications supported by the American Mathematical Society (AMS). More than 1800 mathematics journals are indexed, plus entries on 85000 monographs and 300000 papers from academic conferences. More than 3 million items in total, of which 2,2 million are abstracted/reviewed.
No full-text items here; once you find what you need, you can search other HSE subscription resources for the full text.
Coverage from the early 1900s to the present.Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
- new!Special resources for Korean studies scholars
Two leading databases for researches and Eastern scholars:
new! Access to more than 2,000 full-text journals in Korean on multiple subjects: nature sciences, social sciences, humanities, engineering sciences, health sciences, and agriculture. There are the newest issues as well as the very first ones available across all journals..
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
new! Access to books, reference guides, dictionaries, encyclopedias, source materials, databases, and multimedia materials on Korean history, geography, literature, arts, and philosophy.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
- Russian Periodicals
The HSE Library provides access to full-text Russian periodicals:
new!Now HSE University subscription to eLIBRARY.RU includes over 200 journals on wide range of themes (new issues and archive). These journals are selected by experts and indexed in Russian Science Citation Index. Subscpiption list (remote access needs authorisation, see below).
Moreover eLIBRARY.RU offers thousands on journals in open access.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
NB! To gain access to full text journals register online at the main page of the platform.
All journals published by Russian Academy Of Sciences, including 2023 issues. Full texts for 140 titles across all subjects. NB: the access is provided to RAS Journals only.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected) – use the links from the description
The list of accessible journals
Full access to top Russian journals on physics and mathematics: “Успехи физических наук”, “Успехи математических наук”, “Известия РАН. Серия математическая”, “Математический сборник”. The Math-Net.Ru platform also gives open access to other journals with or without delay.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
new!Vedomosti is the leading business publication in Russia. Vedomosti.ru website features the latest economic and business news and events, exclusive interviews with entrepreneurs, government officials and analysts. The topics presented include economics, business, finance, technology, investments and others. Patrons also have access to all issues of Vedomosti newspaper from the very first (1999) to the latest one. Subscription to Vedomosti.ru is provided by HSE Graduate School of Business.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
new! Russian national and local newspapers, federal and local media outlets, and also media outlets from neighboring countries and media archives are now available. Integrum features ”Коммерсант” (with supplements), ”АиФ”, ”Российская газета”, ”Независимая газета”, РБК publications and more. In total, there are the newest issues of more than 50 national newspapers and 500 local newspapers. The archive depth for some publications reaches 25 years. There are more than 150 newsfeeds.
NB! Upon entering, choose the language in the drop-down menu and click Enter (no registration). Then enter the database following the ИНТЕГРУМ™ Профи or Artefact link depending on the chosen language.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
- Citation Databases
The HSE Library presents four of the best-known multidisciplinary abstracting and citation databases:
ScienceA system of informational resources from Clarivate Analytics (formerly, Thomson Reuters, formerly, the Institute for Scientific Information, ISI). Their core databases are the Science/Social Sciences/Arts & Humanities Citation Index. They do not provide full text of the articles, but include a list of all bibliographic references found in each publication, so that a complete bibliography on the topic of interest can be promptly generated. In addition, the Journal Citation Reports and Essential Science Indicators analytical modules can be accessed by clicking the Additional Resources tab.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
NB! Currently this resource is unavailable. You can use the free Preview version after signing up to your personal account.
A major bibliographic database containing abstracts and citations, Scopus covers more than 18000 academic publications from all spheres of knowledge, including over 5000 publications in economics, the social sciences, and psychology. Since 1996, a list of references has been provided for each article, so you can find all papers cited in the publication and all papers citing the publication, making it possible to promptly generate a full bibliography related to your question, from the first classical publications to the most recent research.
NB! Currently this resource is unavailable. You can use the free Preview version.
- World Bank Resources
As a result of cooperation with NEICON the HSE Library subscribes to three resources created and maintained by the World Bank—two statistical databases and a collection of electronic publications produced under the auspices of the World Bank:
A compilation of statistical data on more than 850 development indicators. Time series are presented starting from 1960 for 209 countries. The database covers economic, social, and financial indicators, as well as data on natural resources and the environment. The graphical representation of retrieved data is a useful feature.
NB! Please note that all World Bank’s databases and datasets are also freely accessible on World Bank Open Data
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Contains data on national debts and their repayment, foreign investments and financial flows of 135 developing countries. The data provided concerns the timeframe between 1970 and 2028 including assumed commitments of said countries. You can make handy charts of any received data. This database was formerly called Global Development Finance.
NB! Please note that all World Bank’s databases and datasets are also freely accessible on World Bank Open Data
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
e-LibraryNB! Please note that all World Bank’s publications are now freely accessible on:
Open Knowledge Repository (OKR)
Documents and Reports (D&R)Access to full-text books, reports, statistical compilations, and preprints produced by the World Bank―more than 34,000 documents. New publications are posted on the site as soon as they appear in print.
- OECD Resources
OECD iLibrary is a database of all the information resources belonging to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), including books, periodicals, preprints, and specific statistical packages.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
- IMF Resources
Access to the entire IMF platform, including books, analytical publications, reports, periodicals, and IMF statistics. Statistical resources include International Financial Statistics (key macroeconomic indicators), Balance of Payments Statistics, Direction of Trade Statistics, and Government Finance Statistics.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
- HSE Economic Journal
A quarterly academic journal published since 1997. Contributors include Evgeny Yasin, A. Yakovlev, G. Kantorovich, Michel Camdessus, and others. Published in Russian and English. The HSE Economic Journal is on the list of academic journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) for publication of candidacy and doctoral theses abstracts. Access to issues published since 1997, with a six-month publisher’s embargo on full texts.
- eBook Databases
In addition to journals, the HSE also offers subscriptions to databases of e-books and book series—a total of more than 170000 full-text titles:
Subscription journal and book databases has been closed by EBSCO on March 31, 2024.
More than 24,000 books on business, management, economics, finance and allied subjects available in full text format, including books published by Routledge, Harvard University Press, Princeton University Press, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Kogan Page, and others. The platform also features approximately 10,000 open access books by academic publishers.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
new!IGI Global publisher’s InfoSci platform IGI Global focuses mainly on books on information technology and communications, business and management, and education. It also contains publications on humanities, engineering and social sciences. The platform provides access to books published over the course of more than 20 years. Publications that are due to be published in print in 2024 are already available. In total, the resource contains more than 7,000 volumes.
new! Books on history, linguistics, antiquity, political science and other social sciences, and also on economics and business are available on De Gruyter platform. The list of publishers includes De Gruyter and other partnering university publishers: Cornell, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, California, Chicago, Harvard University and others. HSE subscription features the newest books published in 2021–2024, approximately 4,500 volumes in total. Additionally, several thousand publications are available on the platform through open access.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Books by Edward Elgar, one of the top social science publishers, are available on ElgarOnline. The platform features all publications on economics, business and management, sociology and law published between 1994 and 2021 up to 5,400 titles – mostly monographs and Research Handbooks, and several statistical books and encyclopedias.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
All full-text books and conference papers published by Springer Nature between 2005 and 2022 and archives going back to 1860 on some subjects up to 160,000 volumes. Features all theme-based subjects, including economics (more than 7,900 books), business and management (more than 10,000 books), engineering science (more than 17,000 books), mathematics (more than 7,500 books), physics (more than 5,700 books), computer science (more than 27,000 books), medicine and public health (more than 12,000 books) and others.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
A collection of books published between 1984 and 2021 by SAGE is available on the SAGE Knowledge platform. It features more than 4,700 monographs and reference books on various topics: education, sociology, business, psychology and therapy, news media and communications, political science and foreign affairs, and more.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
The list of all available books
Monographs published by Emerald and the following book series: “Business, Management and Economics”, “Psychology” and “Social Sciences”. This platform features approximately 8,000 volumes in total.
NB! Currently, some recently published books may be unavailable.
Now all books and reference works by Oxford University Press are available on Oxford Academic platform, along with Oxford journals.
NB! Currently, there is no access to subscription collections, only subject book series that were bought out are available.
Please note that we have access to approximately 3,100 publications on history, antiquity research, linguistics, literature studies, sociology, neural sciences, and physics.
There are two special pages for former separate platforms – Oxford Scholarship Online and Oxford Handbooks.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
More than 3,000 full-text volumes published by Elsevier on finance (more than 150 books), business and management (more than 500 books), computer science (more than 870 books), mathematics (more than 1,020 books), and psychology (more than 360 books). The platform features 29 handbooks on various economic sectors and encyclopedias of psychology, , social science, education, and archaeology.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Multidisciplinary book database (electronic library system) Lan’. Our subscription includes Russian publications on physics, mathematics, engineering sciences, IT, social sciences (law, economics, business studies, psychology, educational science), linguistics, journalism and art history. The publishers are Fizmatlit; Mann, Ivanov and Ferber; Flinta, Lan’, Aspekt Press and others. Nearly 10 000 books are available. Please note that we do not have access to the whole platform. Available publications are marked with the blue icon shown in the search results.
HSE University now has access to СЭБ or Web-Based Electronic Library on “Лань” platform. It’s a joint project by more than 350 Russian universities that made their published materials available for shared access. Among the participants there are Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Kazan universities including Kazan Federal University and Kazan National Research Technical University, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Moscow City Teachers Training University, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, and many more. In total, more than 50,000 sources are available within СЭБ.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
We have access to more than 2000 full-text law books on this platform. Please note that we do not have access to the whole platform. We have access to the law collection, the most comprehensive and established collection this publisher offers.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
More than 10000 full-text books in Russian, mostly textbooks, manuals, and monographs from Infra-M Publisher, mainly in the social sciences (law, economics, management, and sociology), and the humanities. The resource allows full texts to be viewed in the original layout and requires registration to copy limited text fragments.
NB! If you access the resource from our website, please note that you already have full access to the subscription including remote access, no additional registrations, authorizations and access keys needed.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
More than 10,000 study books, study guides, lectures and other materials published by “Юрайт”. Study books on various subjects are available for bachelors and magisters. Mostly, the platform contains books on law, economics, management, psychology, and history. The whole platform is accessible.
NB! Use the green button to read any book.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Electronic Library from MIF publishing house offers access to thousands of books on business, management, self-development and psychology. All books are available in full text many of the titles are translations of foreign works. Over 400 audiobooks, webinars and courses, short reviews of books and subjects are offered by this electronic library.
Attention! Use your University account to access the platform, not the remote access to electronic resources. Use you University e-mail and its password for authorization.
NB! Android and iOS application is also available at your convenience. Install the application, then authorize on the web-page of the platform to create your account, next write to MIF support team at (support-lib@m-i-f.ru), providing your email and ask for a password to use the mobile application.
New online-platform from Alpina Publishers, a leading publishers of business books. More than 600 Russian-language books on management, marketing, business, finance, politics, law, etc, are available as full text. Many publications are translations of Western originals.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Multidisciplinary book database BOOK.ru. Russian publications on social sciences and engineering disciplines published by KnoRus, Yustitsiya, Ru-Science and others. Nearly 10 000 publications are available, but we do not have access to the whole platform.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Books published by “Питер”, “БХВ-Петербург”, “Ад Маргинем”, “Прометей”, “Финансы и статистика”, “Социум”, “ Генезис”, and also books by RSUH, BMSTU and “Институт общегуманитарных исследований” publishing house. You can also access HSE Publishing House collections. This base contains books on multiple subjects, including computing systems and software, physics and mathematics, humanities, economics, and management.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
new! You can find summaries of more than 900 books in text and audio formats, 300 of these summaries also feature infographics. Smart Reading presents outlines of valuable ideas from books on personal development, business, investments, technologies, societal problems, and other topics. The subscription is provided by HSE Graduate School of Business.
Dear patrons! You can access the platform after signing up. Follow the link to register either using HSE networks or remote access to electronic resources. You will get your personal password to the email you gave during the registration. Use this email and this password to sign in to this platform every time you enter it.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
- Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
Six multi-volume encyclopedias on management, sociology, media and communication studies, and urban studies published by Wiley. The collection includes more than 40 volumes and more than 6,000 entries.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
- Special resource for chemists and physicists
The biggest abstracts database on chemistry featuring more than 50 million pieces of bibliographic information from several thousand journals, books, patents, and dissertations. You can conduct classical bibliographic search as well as search chemical compounds, Markush structures and chemical reactions through the special visual tool for drawing molecules, structures and reactions. Upon entering compounds, you will find literature featuring substances and processes you have included in your search. You can search for full texts through HSE_Full_Text service using Full Text menu in the document’s description.
The main focus of this database is chemistry, but physics, biologists and medical doctors can also find it useful. Click the three dots near CAS logo to access additional modules CAS Analytical Methods and CAS Formulus.
NB! You need to register privately using the link. Enter your @hse.ru or @edu.hse.ru email upon registration and activate it through the follow-up letter. Log in through the link down below and use the search interface. If you registered in the past, you need to do it again in order to use the database.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
Cambridge Structural Database
Cambridge Structural Database and webCSD by Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center. You can use it to search, analyze, download and acquire additional information about structural formulas of chemical compounds. Search by ingredient names, their chemical formulas and graphic fragments of their structures. The database contains more than 1.2 million of organic, metalorganic and nonorganic compounds.
Find user’s manual here in Russian and English.Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
- Resources for Historians and Art Critics
The ARTstor Digital Library is a resource that provides over 1,5 million digital images from outstanding international museums, photographers, libraries, scholars, photo archives, artists, and artists' estates. The digital images include architecture and historical monuments; decorative art; murals; portraits of artists, writers, actors, and fashion designers; fragments of ancient books and manuscripts; sheet music; maps, etc. All images are available in high resolution for viewing small details, and certain items can be viewed in virtual, 360-degree panoramas.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected)
TLG is the most complete text corpus in Ancient Greek, firstly, and also in Medieval Greek and Modern Greek, created between the period of early antiquity and the 18th century. Features texts of ancient philosophers, dramatists and poets, patristic texts corpus, Byzantine-era literature and more. The platform has a specialized search system, morphological analysis tools and a selection of dictionaries including the notorious Liddell–Scott–Jones dictionary. Currently, there are more than 10,000 works and 4,000 authors available.
NB! To be able to use the full version of TLG, click the login link at the top right and don’t forget to register during your first session.
- Patents
Orbit Intelligence (previously known as QPat), one of the world’s most renowned patent databases, is now available to our patrons in its Premium edition. Get access to abstracts and full texts of patents issued by more than 120 patent offices (USPTO, WIPO, EPO, Rospatent and more).
new! Until December 31, 2024, our patrons can also use Orbit Chemistry, an additional tool to search molecules within patents’ texts. In order to use it, choose ‘Advanced Search’ and click ‘Molecules’ option in ‘Manage Fields’ menu.
Online access from all computers on the HSE network
NB! If you see ‘Sub account (optional)’ as you’re logging in, just click the ‘Login’ button without changing anything.
About HSE University electronic subscription
Can’t find a resource? Certain databases are available through the Centre for Transfer and Management of Socio-Economic Information. Check it out!
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