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Top journals in HSE electronic subscription

On this page, you can find the information about top journals on major subjects taught in HSE University that are available through electronic subscription. We compiled these journals based on their citation rates and arranged them in descending order based on their CiteScore (2023) which is similar to an  impact factor, but is drawn from the more comprehensive Scopus database.

There are 20 publications for each subject category. You can find the information about full-text availability for particular years. Each year indication is a link and by clicking, you will open the full-text of the journal you are interested in. If a publication is wholly available in the subscription from the very first issue to the very last, we highlight it.


Subject Areas:
Geography Law

Economics and Finance

Title Coverage
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 1973 — present
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 1886 — present (embargo 6 year)
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 1952 — present
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 1995 — present (embargo 6 year)
Journal of Management 1975 — present
International Journal of Production Economics 1991 — present
Review of Asset Pricing Studies not subscribed
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 1999 — present/a>
American Economic Review 1911 — present (embargo 3 year)
Energy Economics 1979 — present
Journal of Economic Literature 1969 — present (embargo 3 year)
Review of Corporate Finance Studies not subscribed
Journal of World Business 1997 — present
Journal of International Business Studies 1970 — present
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 2016 — present
Journal of Supply Chain Management 1997 — present
Review of Financial Studies 1988 — present (embargo 3 year)
Journal of Financial Economics 1974 — present
Journal of Political Economy 1892 — present
Australasian Marketing Journal 1997 — present

Management, business

Title Coverage
International Journal of Information Management 1986 — present
Academy of Management Annals not subscribed
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 2007 — present
Tourism Geographies not subscribed
Academy of Management Review 1976 - 2018
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 2014 — present
Journal of Marketing 1936 — present
Tourism Management 1982 — present
Organizational Research Methods 1998 — present
European Journal of Information Systems 1997 - 2017
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 1993 - 1996
Business Strategy and the Environment 1996 — present
Journal of Management 1975 — present
International Journal of Production Economics 1991 — present
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 1970 — present
International Journal of Hospitality Management 1982 — present
Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management 1992 - 1996
Journal of Cleaner Production 1995 — present
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 1994 — present (embargo 6 year)
Journal of Business Research 1973 — present

Sociology and Political science

Title Coverage
Social Issues and Policy Review 2007 — present
Administrative Science Quarterly 1956 — present
Journal of Service Research 1998 — present
Annual Review of Sociology 1975 — present
Policy and Society 1990 — present
Technology in Society 1979 — present
Sociological Methods and Research 1972 — present
Government Information Quarterly/span> 1984 — present
Annual Review of Political Science 1998 — present
Leadership Quarterly 1990 — present
Public Administration Review 1940 — present
International Organization 1947 — present (embargo 3 year)
Political Communication 1980 - 1996
Science Communication 1979 — present
Resources Policy 1974 — present
American Sociological Review 1936 — present
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology not subscribed
New Media and Society 1999 — present
World Development 1973 — present
American Review of Public Administration 1967 — present


Title Coverage
Telematics and Informatics 1984 — present
Government Information Quarterly 1984 — present
European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context 2009 — present
International Organization 1947 — present (embargo 3 year)
Resources Policy 1974 — present
Journal of Business Ethics 1982 — present
Computers and Security 1982 — present
Journal of Air Transport Management 1994 — present
Transport Policy 1993 — present
Accident Analysis and Prevention 1969 — present
Computer Standards and Interfaces 1986 — present
Crime Science 2012 — present
American Journal of Criminal Justice 1975 — present
Annual Review of Criminology 2018 — present
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 2017 — present
Artificial Intelligence and Law 1992 — present
Social Science Computer Review 1983 — present
Criminology 1997 — present
Criminology and Public Policy 2001 — present
Regulation and Governance 2007 — present


Title  Coverage
Annual Review of Psychology 1950 — present
Psychological Science in the Public Interest 2000 — present
The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health not subscribed
Nature Human Behaviour 2017 — present
Psychological Bulletin нет в подписке
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 2005 — present
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics not subscribed
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 1997 — present
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 2014 — present
Clinical Psychology Review 1981 — present
Perspectives on Psychological Science 2006 — present
Social Issues and Policy Review 2007 — present
Health Psychology Review not subscribed
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 1970 — present
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 2018 — present
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry not subscribed
Human Resource Management Review 1991 — present
Qualitative Research in Psychology not subscribed
Computers in Human Behavior 1985 — present
Educational Psychologist 1963 - 1996


Title Coverage
Reviews of Modern Physics 1929 — present
Living Reviews in Relativity 1998 — present
Advances in Physics 1952 - 1996
Nature Materials 2002 — present
Nature Nanotechnology 2006 — present
Advances in Optics and Photonics not subscribed
Physics Reports — present
Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 2009 — present
Nature Photonics 2007 — present
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 1996 по — present
Progress in Polymer Science 1995 — present
Nature Reviews Physics 2019 — present
Nature Electronics 2018 — present
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 2010 — present
Astronomy and Astrophysics Review 1989 — present
Living Reviews in Solar Physics 2004 — present
Materials Today 1998 — present
Reports on Progress in Physics 1934 - 2011
eLight 2021 — present
Nature Physics 2005 — present


Title Coverage
Nature Reviews Materials 2016 — present
Chemical Reviews 1924 — present
Chemical Society Reviews not subscribed
Nature Biotechnology 1983 — present
Nature Materials 2002 — present
Nature Nanotechnology 2006 — present
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science not subscribed
Nature Reviews Chemistry 2017 — present
Nature Catalysis 2018 — present
Energy and Environmental Science not subscribed
Progress in Polymer Science 1995 — present
Nature Biomedical Engineering 2017 — present
Electrochemical Energy Reviews 2018 — present
EnergyChem 2019 — present
Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts 2016 — present
Nano Research Energy 2022 — present
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 1995 — present
InfoMat 2019 — present
Coordination Chemistry Reviews 1995 — present
eScience 2021 — present


Title Coverage
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 2000 — present
Nature Reviews Cancer 2001 — present
Cell 1995 — present
Nature Medicine 1995 — present
Nature Biotechnology 1983 — present
The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology not subscribed
Nature Methods 2004 — present
Nature Reviews Genetics 2000 — present
Physiological Reviews not subscribed
Cancer Cell 2002 — present
Molecular Cancer 2002 — present
Cell Research 1990 — present
Nature Catalysis 2018 — present
Cell Metabolism not subscribed
Journal of Hematology and Oncology 2008 — present
Nature Reviews Methods Primers 2021 — present
Nature Biomedical Engineering 2017 — present
Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 2016 — present
Nature Microbiology 2016 — present
Nature Genetics 1992 — present


Title Coverage
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2013 — present
Communication Methods and Measures not subscribed
Communication Research 1974 — present
Telematics and Informatics 1984 — present
International Journal of Advertising 1982 - 1996
Political Communication 1980 - 1996
New Media and Society 1999 — present
Vehicular Communications 2014 — present
International Journal of Press/Politics 2008 — present
Journal of Communication 1997 - 2017
Digital Journalism not subscribed
Internet Research 1991 — present (embargo 2 year)
Journal of Advertising 1972 - 2018
Annals of the International Communication Association not subscribed
Big Data and Society 2014 — present
Telecommunications Policy 1976— present
Online Social Networks and Media 2017 — present
Information Communication and Society not subscribed
Comunicar 1993 — present
Human-Machine Communication 2020 — present


Title Coverage
Nature Reviews Earth and Environment 2020 — present
Reviews of Geophysics 1966 — present
Nature Sustainability 2018 — present
Tourism Geographies not subscribed
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 1993 - 1996
Business Strategy and the Environment 1995 — present
Sustainable Cities and Society 2011 — present
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 1996 — present
Journal of Travel Research 1968 — present
Global Environmental Change 1990 — present
Advances in Geophysics not subscribed
Geography and Sustainability 2020 — present
Progress in Human Geography 1977 — present
Current Forestry Reports 2015 — present
European Societies not subscribed
Journal of Tourism Futures 2015 — present
Current Issues in Tourism not subscribed
Landscape and Urban Planning 1986 — present
Tourism Review 2001 — present (embargo 2 year)
Ecosystem Services 2012 — present


Title Coverage
Acta Numerica 1992 по 2009
Annals of Mathematics 1884 по 2018
Publications Mathematiques de l'Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques 1959 — present
Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1988 — present
Acta Mathematica 1882 — present
Inventiones Mathematicae 1966 — present
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas 2008 — present
Journal of Differential Equations 1965 — present
Mathematics 2013 — present
Japanese Journal of Mathematics 2006 — present
Geometric and Functional Analysis 1991 — present
Constructive Approximation 1985 — present
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 2019 — present
Duke Mathematical Journal not subscribed
American Journal of Mathematics 1878 - 2018
Journal of Functional Analysis 1967 — present
Cambridge Journal of Mathematics 2013 — present
Geometry and Topology not subscribed
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 1865 — present
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 1891 — present


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